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This summit of one of Madeira's highest mountains is the last known breeding site of the madeirapetrell.
Pico do Arieiro is the summit of a mountain. There is a radar installation of the Portuguese military as well as a restaurant and an exhibition. There are also various hiking trails. Madeira's mountains are very rugged. It is windy, cool and often rainy. Due to the island's remote location, an endemic fauna has developed, which can be observed in the mountains.
A particular highlight in this area is the last known breeding site of the madeirapetrell, the rarest bird in Europe. Its calls can (sometimes) be heard at night when the adult birds visit the breeding sites.
Other possible observations are kanariepiplärka, rödhöna, blek tornseglare, tornseglare and Tornuggla.
The summit of Pico do Arieiro can be reached by car. It is possible to park, but parking spaces are in short supply, especially at sunrise and sunset. Press P on the map for directions.
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