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A centrally placed public park with open woodland and formal hedges that attracts people and birds. Adjacent to Jardim Amalia Rodrigues.
Parque Eduardo VII is a continuation of the Avenida da Liberdade. It's centrally placed with good transport, refreshment, shopping and museums nearby. So it's a green oasis with the possibility of casual birding. The woodland on the northwest side is recommended for various passerines and it's worth waiting on a bench while watching the trees and slopes.
Parque Eduardo VII is a public park with no access restrictions. There are several Metro stations nearby and plenty of passing bus routes. Within the park, access is best on foot, wheelchairs are possible on well made paths but the slopes, often steep, would deter most disabled people.
This is not a nature reserve, so expect disturbance from passers-by. There are two cafes and food is also available in the nearby El Corte Ingles shopping centre and other restaurants. The Gulbenkian art museum is also nearby.
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