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This island located in the middle of the Mondego River estuary is one of the best sites for observing waders in Portugal.
The island of Morraceira is made up of vast expanses of salt marshes, reed beds, salt pans, fish farms and rice fields. the island is around 600 hectares and has a total length of 7 km. Many of the salt pans are still active and the area is one of the main salt centres in Portugal. One of the most prominent birds is the större flamingo. Sometimes hundreds can be seen at the same time.
But the main attraction are the waders. Especially during migration many species of waders can be observed. The birds visit the estuary during low tide and take refuge in the salt pans when the tide rises. Among the waders you can spot are rödspov, myrspov, storspov, småspov, småsnäppa, kärrsnäppa, sandlöpare, spovsnäppa, brushane, kustsnäppa, roskarl, enkelbeckasin, svartsnäppa, grönbena, gluttsnäppa, rödbena, skogssnäppa and drillsnäppa.
During the breeding season, the diversity is smaller, but you can still see birds such as styltlöpare, skärfläcka, svartbent strandpipare, småtärna and större strandpipare. Winter guests include blåhake, ängspiplärka, vattenpiplärka, forsärla and jorduggla. But also many wader species overwinter in the area.
Português: Em frente à cidade da Figueira da Foz, o estuário do rio Mondego constitui um dos principais centros salineiros em Portugal que ainda se encontram em actividade. Ilha da Morraceira também um dos melhores locais de observação de limícolas na região centro do Portugal.
Ilha da Morraceira is located next to the city of Figueira da Foz. Access from Coimbra is via the A14 motorway, from Leiria or Aveiro via the A8 and A17 motorways. From the south side of the Mondego bridge it is possible to access the island of Morraceira. The island is crossed by a narrow paved road of about 2 km long, from where it is easy to do car-birding. There are no real parkings along this road, but we marked a few P-spots on the map where you can park on the side of the road. If you are by bike or on foot you can also explore some smaller gravel roads and side paths.
Português: Junto à cidade da Figueira da Foz. O acesso a partir de Coimbra é feito pela auto-estrada A14, a partir de Leiria ou Aveiro pela auto-estrada A8 e A17. Do lado sul da ponte do Mondego é possível aceder à ilha da Morraceira.
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