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The bay of the city of Praia da Vitória on the island of Terceira is a good spot for observing gulls and other seabirds.
Baía da Praia da Vitória comprises the marina, the main beach of this city and the bay of Praia da Vitória. It is the best place in Terceira for seagull watching and probably the largest dormitory for gulls in the Azores. Best time of the year is October to March. In this period of the year it is common to see skrattmås, fiskmås, svarthuvad mås, ringnäbbad mås, silltrut, fisktärna, Kentsk tärna, Gulnäbbad lira and svartnäbbad islom. Less frequent are tretåig mås, trädmås, sotvingad mås, Gråtrut, Vitvingad trut, havstrut, spetsstjärtad petrell and havssula.
The bay, the beach and the marina are all easy accessible from the city. Best time of the day to see most gulls is the end of the day. Easy to combine a visit to the wetland of Paul da Praia da Vitória, which is directly to the north of the city (also described on Birdingplaces) and Pedreira Cabo da Praia which is directly south of the bay (also described on Birdingplaces).
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