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A path that follows the river Douro from the river beach in Oliveira do Douro, at the pillars of Ponte do Freixo all the way to the river beach in Avintes.
Areinho de Gaia is a 5 km open path area along the river Douro. Well signposted, peaceful, and commonlly used to walk, jogg or bike. Because the path follows the river banks and margins, it is a nice spot to see some local birds.
Avintes: Follow the N222 until you reach Avintes. Continue towards the center of the village in the direction of the main church. Once you reach it, follow the signs that say Areinho.
Oliveira do Douro: On A44, exit on Ol. Douro. At the cross road, continue onwards. Take the first left corner and continue strait until you find the beach. Press a P on the map for directions to a parking spot.
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