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Two small lakes with attractive reed beds. Easy walking with a few places to rest.
Zgorzała Lake is one of the nicest places in Warsaw where you can observe water birds. It’s a breeding place of a colony of skrattmås. And you can see several other species like: svarthalsad dopping, rördrom, dvärgrördrom, mindre sumphöna, pungmes, Smådopping and brun kärrhök. Great place for a calm walk in the morning. The best period for birding the area is spring.
From Warsaw drive into the direction of Piaseczno (road no 79), turn right into Baletowa street, then left into Kórnicka Street. Parking will be on the left by a playground, first of the two lakes will be visible. Click on the P in the map to get directions. It is possible to get there by bus, Kórnicka bus stop, from which it is only a 200 meter walk.
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