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The observation tower in Borówno is a good place to watch birds on the Vistula River and the surrounding backwaters.
In Wieża Widokowa Borówno it is easy to watch birds on a Vistula during migration and winter. The observation tower is a great place to observe birds through a telescope. For example, during spring and autumn on the islets on the Vistula you can see gluttsnäppa, brushane, grönbena or nesting småtärna and fisktärna. In winter, there are sometimes hundreds of ducks like knipa, salskrake and vigg.
Getting to this place is simple. There is a car park next to the observation tower. You can get there by car or bike. In this place you mostly stand, but you can walk along the levee. Click on the P in the map to get directions.
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