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The heart of the Milicz Ponds region. A comfortable, about two kilometer long path (one side) also available for bicycles and wheelchairs.
The Dike between Stawno and Nowe Grodzisko has water on the left, water on the right, and a comfortable path in the middle, accessible to everyone. There are benches here and there. Every ten steps a good place to observe birds. There is a large colony of gråhäger and Storskarv. During migration large number of tofsvipa, Trana, grågås, etc can be seen. In the immediate vicinity there are other ponds equipped with bird hides.
The best way to get to Nowe Grodzisko Dike is by car or bike. The access is easy from Milicz, both from Stawno and Nowy Grodzisko sides. The dike is located in the Stawy Milickie (Milicz Ponds) Landscape Park. On both ends of the path you can park the car. The car can be left before entering the Park. Parking spaces are not specially marked, but clearly visible and free of charge. Exploration of the unpaved paths on the side is not allowed - the pond area is a fishing farm (carp breeding).
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