
Posada Zarszyńska Fishponds

Podkarpackie  >  Poland

Fishponds with a restricted access. Available only to be seen from a distance. However, a great biodiversity of organisms can be found here.

Tillagd* av Hoid
Senast uppdaterad 24 oktober 2024


Posada Zarszyńska fishponds and wetland meadows surrounding the area from the East are quite an interesting, yet small pond complex, where there can be found a lot of bird species, especially during migration. Direct access to enter the ponds is RESTRICTED (you need the owner's permission to do so). The only other option (at the moment) is watching from the distance (preferably from the small hill on the southern part of the complex).

Many species of waterfowl can be found here, especially during migration and winter, i.e.: årta, Skedand, bläsand, stjärtand, Kricka, brunand, vitögd dykand, vigg, knipa, salskrake, storskrake.

The fishponds are regularly patrolled by havsörn and brun kärrhök for prey. During spring migration Fiskgjuse can also be seen. Many migrating gulls and terns also tend to stop here.

The reed beds are home to vattenrall, rörhöna, sothöna and many passerines, especially from genus Acrocephalus.

Storskarv and grebes are common, especially during migration.

Some other species that can be seen around or during migration: grågås, knölsvan, snatterand, gräsand, småfläckig sumphöna, mindre sumphöna, Trana, styltlöpare, tofsvipa, mindre strandpipare, rödspov, brushane, dvärgbeckasin, enkelbeckasin, drillsnäppa, skogssnäppa, svartsnäppa, gluttsnäppa, grönbena, rödbena, svart stork, vit stork, gråhäger, purpurhäger, ägretthäger, kungsfiskare, lärkfalk, vassångare, skäggmes, Sävsparv.



Direct access is RESTRICTED (you need owner's permission to enter). But, you can observe birds from the distance (the hill on the southern side seems to be the best and most commonly used). You can get there by foot/bike/car from Zarszyn. There is no true parking (you can leave vehicles at the side of the road but keep in mind tractors and other large vehicles passing by). Public transport to Zarszyn is available in form of buses (from Krosno and Sanok) and train (also between Krosno-Sanok). It's best to observe everything from the viewpoint, eventually you can explore area around fishponds by foot.

Terräng och habitat

Spridda träd och buskar , Våtmark , Slätt , Platt , Damm , Vassar , Jordbruk , Stad/by


Platt , Kulligt , Sumpigt , Öppet landskap , Risk för högvattten



Tubkikare behövs?


Bästa säsong för skådning

Året runt

Bästa tid för ett besök

Vårsträck , Höststräck


Asfalterad väg , Bred stig , Grusväg

Hur ansträngande vandring

Lätt vandring


Till fots , Cykel , Bil

Fågeltorn / plattform


Extra information

Keep in mind the presence of other people (fishponds' maintenance, farmers, off-road enthusiasts, lumberjacks, hunters).

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