
Posada Jaćmierska and Zarszyn fields

Podkarpackie Voivodeship (Województwo Podkarpackie)  >  Poland

Large area of different farm fields, meadows and pastures, known for its great bird diversity, especially during migration.

Tillagd* av Hoid
Senast uppdaterad 28 oktober 2024


The area contains Jaćmierz Site of Community Importance (SCI). It's widely known as a common stop for many migrating birds that can be seen hunting or resting, especially during spring and autumn. Overall, being home for many common field- and grassland-type birds, like: vaktel, Fasan, rapphöna, kornknarr, tofsvipa, törnskata, Varfågel, sånglärka, gräshoppsångare, lövsångare, törnsångare, buskskvätta, svarthakad buskskvätta, gulärla, hämpling and gulsparv.

In ditches crossing these fields, some more water-dependant species can be seen, such as ducks, Smådopping, sothöna, sävsångare and Sävsparv. Often, there can be seen a mix of vit stork, gråhäger and ägretthäger individuals, hunting on the short grass.

Open fields, especially during migration season support large flocks of ringduva and skogsduva, as well as tofsvipa. Almost every season there is a chance to observe resting ljungpipare and even fjällpipare, during migration.

In winter, there can be seen mixed flocks of hämpling ​, Gråsiska, vinterhämpling and some snösparv.

During sunrise/sunset/night you can encounter hunting or resting kattuggla or hornuggla. During migration, there is a chance to find and observe jorduggla.

The main attraction of this place are, however, are diurnal birds of prey. Regularly, you can observe species like: tornfalk, ormvråk, mindre skrikörn, ​​​​brun kärrhök, ängshök and sparvhök. During winter, individuals of blå kärrhök and fjällvråk can be seen hunting there. But, the spring and late summer/autumn migration is the best time to watch for other species. More commonly migrating are species such asBivråk, aftonfalk andPilgrimsfalk. Some migrating or over-flying from their territories kungsörn can be sometimes seen. One of the top species to see here, during migration, is kejsarörn, which is regularly visiting the area.



The main area can be accessed from the asphalt road between Zarszyn and Posada Jaćmierska village. You can get to Zarszyn by bus or train from Sanok or Krosno. You can park your car around the sharp turn of the road. Press the P on the map for directions to this point.

To fully explore area, it's best to go on foot, but you can also try to scan the area from your car, trying out the main and other across-village roads in the area. It's unadvised to use a bike in other parts than the main road (sometimes muddy terrain).

Terräng och habitat

Spridda träd och buskar , Våtmark , Slätt , Platt , Jordbruk


Platt , Öppet landskap



Tubkikare behövs?

Kan vara användbart

Bästa säsong för skådning

Året runt

Bästa tid för ett besök

Höststräck , Vårsträck


Asfalterad väg , Grusväg , Bred stig

Hur ansträngande vandring

Lätt vandring


Till fots , Cykel , Bil

Fågeltorn / plattform


Extra information

There are no species of birds that need to be audio stimulated - please avoid doing so.

Hazards: ticks, muddy terrain, deep snow (in winter). Keep in mind the presence of other people (drivers on the main road, cyclists, farmers, hunters, etc.)

Don't leave your car at the middle of the road (also on field roads) - there are many tractors and other large-vehicles during the season. Muddy terrain can sometimes require rainy boots for exploring.

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