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Polesie National Park is one of the few places in Poland where lappuggla can be seen.
The Durne Marsh in Polesie National Park is a place where lappuggla and orre may be observed and which serves as a substitute of forest tundra from Northern Europe. The best period for seeing these birds is from March to July. Among the other birds you can see along the trail are Trana, enkelbeckasin, morkulla, storspov, vitryggig hackspett, göktyta and järpe.
From Urszulin we drive along the national road no. 82 towards Włodawa. Having driven about 6.2 km we turn left at the church in Wytyczno. Then, having driven about 0.9 km turn right in a dirt road to the Monument of the Soldiers of the Border Protection Corps in Łowiszów. Click on the P in the map to get directions The “Great grey owl” Trail begins at this Monument.
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