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Nice birding area near the river Vistula in the town of Toruń. You can see a combination of woodland birds and wetland birds.
From the city of Toruń you can walk to the birding area near the river. Before you reach the grassy area along the river you first cross a park where you can start birding already and enjoy nice birds as mellanspett, större hackspett, mindre hackspett, härmsångare, ärtsångare, domherre, and sparvhök.
After the park you reach a large area with non-mowed grassy areas which allow you to observe a lot of acrocephalidae. Moreover, the place is along the big river Vistula where differents species more aquatic can bee seen like fisktärna and others gulls. A lot of passerines in the woods closed to it. Among the nice birds you can see here are härmsångare, trastsångare, flodsångare, gök, fisktärna, buskskvätta and sommargylling.
Easy to find, go across the park from the center. From the P on the map to the river is about 2 km one way.
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