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Mixed forest with ponds and glades on the outskirts of the city of Poznań.
Las Umultowski is an interesting place due to the varied terrain: mixed forest, ponds, glades. That's why you can meet many different species of birds. The Rezerwat Żurawiniec (also described on Birdingplaces) is nearby, so you can visit these two birdwatching sites in one day, which makes for a great day trip. The drawn map presents only a proposal for exploring this area.
You can go by car and park it on UAM Morasko Campus. Click on P marked on the map and get the directions. Public transport: "Pestka" tram - the last stop on Osiedle. Sobieskiego will take you to the entrance. The best way to explore the area is on foot, but the terrain can be muddy, so be prepared and wear good footwear.
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