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Swampy part of the forest near quite a busy international road. Wooden path provided. Good place for woodpeckers and other forest birds
The Knyszyn Primaeval Forest might as well be taken for Siberian taiga. The forest is dominated by centuries-old, towering pines. Sometimes called “sacred trees”, many of them feature shrines and crosses attached by the locals many years ago. The grounds of these spell-binding woods pulsate with bursting springs, which let out subterranean mineral waters. For birding this is an interesting site all-year round with breeding tretåig hackspett and vitryggig hackspett. sparvuggla and järpe recorded too. Not far away from Biebrza River or Bialystok town, with good access.
Other birds that can be seen here are mindre skrikörn, havsörn, spillkråka.
Small parking place just by the S8/E67 road (frequently busy with lorries). Wooden footpath across the reserve - with an option to come back along the S8 (trucks) or go back the same way over the woorden footpath.
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