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The place is usually loud and crowded with visitors walking in the vicinity of the lighthouse and the marina full of ugly small cruise ships.
Despite the unfavorable neighborhood, the mouth of the Parsęta River to the Baltic Sea is a friendly place for unobtrusive observations. In my opinion, the place seems to be particularly interesting in late autumn and winter, when birds from northern Europe appear there. havssula, ejder, kustlabb and other skuas were seen in this location.
Kołobrzeg is easily accessible by car or train. There is also an option to take a ferry from Bornholm. This Birdingplace is small and it is best to walk along the coast and then along the breakwater to the end. There are plenty of parking spaces in the vicinity of the port., but on weekends, it can be difficult to find a parking space nearby.
It is possible to extend the walk up the river along its bank or visit the seaside park, which is located just behind the lighthouse.
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