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Village in Kampinos National Park. Area of forests, reed beds and wet meadows with typical for this environment avifauna.
Granica ("The Border") is a village located in Kampinos National Park, between the sand dunes covered by forests and the wet meadows. The place is easily accesible and very popular among tourists - there are a few walking and cycling trails (going deeper into the forest) as well as a big parking lot and a playground. You can also visit a small open-air museum (open on working days) and a military cemetery from World War II. Because there are usually much people, I strongly recommend an early morning visit.
Birders should visit Kampinos forest as well as Olszowieckie marshes. The observation tower and footbridges running across these marshes are close to the parking lot. You can find there birds typical for reed beds and open areas (list below). The most interesting are rosenfink, gräshoppsångare, vassångare, sävsångare, trädgårdssångare, törnsångare, törnskata, gök, vattenrall, enkelbeckasin, Trana and Gröngöling. Taking one of the trails in the forest (I marked the recommended yellow trail on the map) results in observations of e. g. skogsduva , mindre flugsnappare, sommargylling, svartvit flugsnappare, svarthätta, trädpiplärka, grönsångare, järnsparv, mindre hackspett and spillkråka.
Parking lot and path to the observation tower are marked on map. Click on the P in the map to get directions to the parking. To observe forest birds, just take one of the trails in the area (the recommended one - yellow trail - is marked on the map). If you visit Granica early in the morning and during a working day, there will be no more people but you. Also, the birds of reed beds will be definitely more audible. Later on the day many tourists come to Granica.
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