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Steep walk up with beautiful views over lakes, mountain peaks and the mighty Folgefonna glacier.
Beautiful walk to Reinanuten. This challenging trail is part of the Folgefonna National Park and offers breathtaking views of the Buerbreen Glacier. The round trip is approximately 7,4 km in total. You start in a green rainforest-like valley, then meadows with the occasional sheep and then the bare mountain tops with fjällripa, korp and the chance of kungsörn. You climb during the walk through all these different biotopes.
Reinanuten is located in Vestland, near the town of Odda. You can park in the valley. Press P on the map for directions to a parking spot.
The best time to visit is from June to September when the weather conditions are most favorable. The hike to Reinanuten is approximately 7.4 kilometers long and involves a significant elevation gain of about 1,000 meters. The trail is known for its steep climbs and rocky terrain.
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