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One of the best birding sites in the outer Oslo fjord area is the shallow bay of Presterødkilen. More than 260 species of birds have been observed.
Presterødkilen nature reserve is a shallow, nutrient-rich wetland, in the transition between brackish water and salt water. It is located to the east of Tønsberg town. Presterødkilen has large areas of exposed mud at low tide and is lined by dense reed beds, but the surroundings beyond that are urban-industrial and not very bird friendly. Presterødkilen is a very good area to see shorebirds. More than 40 species of waders have been recorded here. Also reed birds and birds of prey can be seen and skäggmes sometimes in winter. With some luck you can see Fiskgjuse hunting. Among the birds you can observe in the area are Sävsparv, gulsparv, vitkindad gås, gravand, Kricka, ejder, knipa, småskrake, strandskata, storspov, brushane, kärrsnäppa, vattenrall, gluttsnäppa and rödbena.
Parking: A few spots just before restaurant Biltema. Two seats reserved for the disabled. Click on the P in the map to get directions. You can explore the area from there on foot. There is a hiking trail that is about 2.5 km long and there is a bird hide and a viewing platform. It is not allowed to cycle in the nature reserve.
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