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Linnesstranda Nature Reserve lies at the Lierelva river outlet into the Drammen Fjord, and has hosted 227 different species, with over 140 sighted annually.
Linnesstranda is a wetland area formed by the shifting of the Lierelva river mouth over time, depositing large amounts of sediment. The area holds significant botanical and ornithological value. Since its protection in 1985, the reserve's lushness has only increased, resembling a tropical rainforest in Norway. In 1995, a birdwatching tower was erected to observe birds at the current mouth of the Lierelva river. Since the area is not very large, it's easier to get close to the birds at Linnesstranda than in many other places.
Linnesstranda Nature Reserve lies at the Lierelva river outlet east of the town of Drammen. Park at Gullaug school and follow the path along the riverbank for 300 meters to find the bird observation tower. Click on the P in the map for directions to the parking.
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