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Mountainous peninsula with rich bird life. Cliffs with large colonies of birds.
Ekkerøy is a peninsula on the Varangerfjorden. The Ekkerøy trail leads to one of Europe’s largest bird cliffs with more than 50 birds species and 40000 nesting tretåig mås. The nesting cliff and nature reserve are only a five-minute walk from the carpark. There is a marked nature and cultural trail of 1.5 km long through countryside with information boards on the bird life. If you prefer a longer hike, you can just hike around the entire island.This trail takes you all the way along the island’s approx. 7 km long coast line. Among the birds you can encounter are tretåig mås, toppskarv, kustlabb, havstrut, Gråtrut, skärsnäppa, alförrädare, praktejder, ejder, smalnäbbad simsnäppa, tobisgrissla, havsörn and many more, see the birdlist below.
Located near the road. Good parking facilities. Easy hike along the cliff edge. Click on the P in the map to get directions.
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