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A beautiful, predator-free bird sanctuary accessed from Rakiura, the 3rd-largest island of Aotearoa. Full of ancient trees and endemic birds!
A beautiful island sanctuary, made predator-free and kept that way through the efforts of the Department of Conservation and many concerned locals. This island is one of the best places to reliably see many NZ species which are no longer easily found in the wild, such as: South Island Saddleback, Southern Brown Kiwi, Yellowhead, Yellow-crowned Parakeet, Red-crowned Parakeet, Yellow-eyed Penguin, Fiordland Penguin, Rifleman and Pipipi (Brown Creeper).
The island is full of ancient trees (as is Rakiura), so for those who love plants it is a beautiful walk also. The trails are very easy, and the biggest challenge was simply to see everything in the small window of time before the water taxi pickup. Best done in several trips for keen birders, while many wonderful things can still be seen by less enthusiastic people on a single visit.
Water taxis must be booked from Oban, either from their offices directly or from the DOC office (Adults $25 return, see the link below). Ulva Island is only accessible through designated dropoffs to ensure no predators or pests make it onshore. Navigating Oban is best by foot or bicycle, but Ulva Island is only for walking.
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