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A forested track, fairly steep, with a selection of NZ birds preferring bush habitats which are otherwise hard to find in Canterbury.
A short 30 minutes along the track toward the top of Kaiterau, this is the best spot in the area to see Pipipi (Brown Creeper) along with several other bird species.
It is not a technically challenging track, but as a 4WD track covered in loose gravel, it is not something to race on, either. This marked location has a bench for resting by a scenic lookout with excellent views of the Kaikoura peninsula. The Pipipi (Brown Creeper) tend to be within 200m of the bench, and can usually be enjoyed while sitting down.
Follow Postman's Road westward off of SH1 (Ludstone>Red Swamp RD will intersect from a southerly direction, while Postman's intersects SH1 directly coming from the north), then continue as it becomes Chapman's Road. Follow Chapman's road (bumpy, many potholes) until you reach the Mt. Fyffe Carpark.
Park up and follow the track signage toward the summit. The marked viewpoint is the first bench by a lookout after 20-30 minutes of walking. Keep an eye out for New Zealand Pigeon, Tomtit, Tui, Grey Gerygone and New Zealand Falcon as you walk!
This viewpoint is best for a relaxed day trip, or as a pause/break on tramps to the summit of Kaiterau/Fyffe. It is best if you are reasonably fit to attempt this, as it is both steep and also a place where walkers frequently roll their ankles.
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