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Cornwall Park surrounds the park containing Maungakiekie / One Tree Hill. Together they form expansive parkland close to the heart of Auckland.
Cornwall Park and the the volcanic peak Maungakiekie / One Tree Hill park lie just 5 km South of Auckland's CBD in the suburb of Epsom and as such offer a nice place for birding within the city. While there are lawns, public BBQ, and a café for a relaxed day in the park, most of the area is divided into paddocks on which sheep and cows roam and is interspersed with groves. You can follow the paved tracks but also go cross-country and get a close look at Common Pheasant, California Quail, and even Helmeted Guineafowl in the paddocks. While Welcome Swallow over the fields and trees, you can encounter Tui, Silvereye, New Zealand Fantail, Eastern Rosella and many more. From Maungakikie you can see both the Hauraki Gulf (Pacific Ocean) and the Manukau Harbour (Tasman Sea).
The parks are situated 5 km South of Auckland's CBD. Public transport can you bring you close to the park. There are multiple access points for both pedestriants and cars, multiple car parks and public toilets. Opening hours are 7 am to 6 pm - the gates are locked outside of these hours. You can explore the park walking or cycling on the paved roads or go cross-country on foot.
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