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Wildlife sanctuary protected by a surrounding predator-proof fence that is home to NZ's rare forest birds such as Stitchbird & North Island Saddleback.
The 89 hectare Bushy Park Tarapuruhi has old growth native forest and is surrounded by a predator-proof fence, which makes it a sanctuary for New Zealand's forest birds. North Island Robin, North Island Saddleback, and Stitchbird have been reintroduced to the area and are now thriving. Sugar-water feeders along the walking tracks attract New Zealand Bellbird and Stitchbird making it easier to find and observe them. Tui, Whitehead, New Zealand Fantail, and Grey Gerygone also contribute to the continuous bird song.
Bushy Park Tarapuruhi is a community-led conservation project that relies on volunteer work and visitor donations, while the entry remains free for everyone. The Bushy Park Tarapuruhi Trust also runs an education program for schools and has a visitor centre in the park, where you can learn more about the plant and animal life of the forest. A historic homestead within the park can also be visited.
The park is about a half hour drive away from Whanganui and open all week during daylight hours. The homestead is open Wednesday to Sunday from 10am to 4pm.
There are multiple tracks that can be explored separately or combined into a big loop. One track goes around a small wetland, while the others let you explore the forest. Some tracks might be accessed with a wheelchair though it should be noted that they are all gravel tracks.
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