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A new waterway coming from the IJssel. A new wet area and also the place of an old reed marsh. Many nice birds can be seen here.
The Reevediep is a new water connection between the river IJssel and the Drontermeer. This high-water channel is made to drain high water from the IJssel in extreme conditions. This new water area attracts many birds. Old small ponds in the area and reed marshes allready made this a place for birds like trastsångare and rördrom. The flat area between IJssel and Drontermeer makes this a great place for spotting various birds.
This place is right beside the N50 road. Take exit Kampen Zuid. Head toward Kamperveen and pull over near the bridge (see the P on the map). There is a new cycle path right next to the Reevediep and cycling is one of the best ways to explore this area. But you can also explore the area on foot. The route shown on the map is 6,5 km.
There are plans to place a bird hide in the area.
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