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Nesting site of the Cape Vulture as well as hosting many other species of birds and more.
Waterberg Plateau Park is a national park in central Namibia. The plateau and the national park are named after the prominent table mountain that rises from the plateau, the Waterberg (Afrikaans: Water Mountain). As the plateau is largely inaccessible from beneath several of Namibia's endangered species were relocated in the early 1970s to protect them from predators and poaching to extinction. The programme was very successful and Waterberg now supplies other Namibian parks with rare animals. In 1989, the black rhinoceros was reintroduced to the area from Damaraland. The Waterberg Plateau Park has over 200 different bird species.
The habitat is open grassland, savanna woodland, some springs that support lush vegetation and rocky cliffs that attract various raptors. A must-see target bird is Rüppell's Parrot. A small population of Violet Woodhoopoe is also present, mainly around permanent water. A number of other notable birds are also present, including Common Ostrich, Lilac-breasted Roller, Bateleur, Orange River Francolin, Hartlaub's Francolin, Blue Crane, Bradfield's Swift, Damara Red-billed Hornbill, Carp's Tit, Rockrunner and Rufous-winged Cisticola. But many more, this large natural park has many bird watching opportunities.
The park can be explored by safari vehicles or on wilderness trails. We recommend camping or staying overnight at Waterberg Plateau lodge. See the link below.
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