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A little forest near Ben Ahmed with more than 110 bird species observed by Ennoury Abdessamad, the only local birdwatcher in the area.
This little and very open forest near Ben Ahmed has 0.25km2 area of Pine , Eucalyptus woods essentially. It is a very nice place for birdwatching. I have seen more than 110 bird species in this little forest. Essentially Fringillidae (9 species ), Motacillidae (6 species), Muscicapidae (12 species), Sylviidae (8species) and much more. See the birdlist and the link below. Rare species observed here : tajgasångare, brandkronad kungsfågel, bergfink, stenknäck, Mindre korsnäbb (Loxia curvirostra poliogyna), and more.
This place is open to public. You can park anywhere no problem. And it's easy to explore walking it in just few minutes. Click on the P in the map to get directions.
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