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Prokletije is one of the most complex mountain groups on the Balkan Peninsula. The complex of the Mountain Prokletije is characterised by many mountain groups.
On the Mountain Prokletije, 161 bird species have been registered so far, which have a different status: residents, breeding, wintering, migratory, passers-by. There are 80 species of resident breeding; 44 of migratory breeding; 13 of passers-by; eight of dispersing (stray); four wintering species. Prokletije is a center for breeding raptors in Montenegro, and numerous high-mountain species: Bivråk, ormörn, kungsörn, Pilgrimsfalk, stenhöna, pärluggla, berguv, nattskärra, trädlärka, alpjärnsparv, ringtrast, törnskata, alpkaja, snöfink, häcksparv, klippsparv and many others. The Mountain Prokletije is an important breeding site for more than 43% of the total bird fauna registered in Montenegro, and also the most important bird habitat in the continental part of the country. If you take into the account the discontinuity in research during winter, spring and early autumn months, and the fact that the Kosovo part of the range has 179 species registered, it is likely that the Mountain Prokletije is the center of the mountainous bird diversity Montenegro.
Plav and Gusinje are center of this area.
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