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One of the Maltese smallest wetlands measuring around three hectares with stretches of open water, small islands, Tamarisk thicket cover and reeds.
BirdLife Malta's Simar Nature Reserve is located at the end of a shallow valley just opposite the sea and surrounded by rich agricultural land.
Despite its small size the site is rich in the variety of species one can record with special emphasis on reed dwelling and water-loving species. Flocks of herons and egrets settle during migration whilst small numbers of waterfowl also occasionally winter. Ideal for observing smaller species like mindre sumphöna and småfläckig sumphöna, vattenrall and enkelbeckasin.
Parking space is available along the road lining part of the reserve. The reserve can be reached by car and also by bus. It is located on Triq il-Pwales, Xemxija and is accessible from bus stops ‘Roti’ and ‘Simar’ on the routes 41, 42, 221, 222, X1.
The reserve has a visitors centre and a nature trail leading to a number of birdwatching hides. It can only be explored on foot.
The reserve is open between September and May. We are open on Tuesday & Friday afternoons and on Sundays 10am-4pm. Entrance to the reserve is free of charge but donations are welcome.
Please check our website below for updated opening hours which vary according to season. We can also be reached on +356 7953 8122.
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