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This is one of the biggest and most pristine areas of garrigue in the Maltese islands and holds a variety of species.
Majjistral nature and history park is a huge area of garrigue. This area is perfect for a number of garrigue bird species and supports a good number of breeding birds such as korttålärka, glasögonsångare, kornsparv, fältpiplärka and blåtrast. It is the only area where fältpiplärka breed regularly in the maltese islands and one of the only places where kornsparv breed in the islands. Under the cliffs there is also a breeding colony of medelhavslira.
You can also observe lots of migratory species such as biätare, brun kärrhök, Bivråk, stäpphök, ängshök, blåkråka, stenskvätta, isabellastenskvätta and many more birds. In winter you may also find svarthakad buskskvätta and ängspiplärka. See the bird list below for the full list of birds.
Drive to the Manikata church but instead of parking at the church, drive past the church and on to the main road. Eventually the road turns, on that turn you will see another pathway with a map or sign near it. Park your car near the entrance, making sure you are not blocking the way. I suggest you do not visit in summer as it can get very hot. You can explore the area by walking or by bike as cars and motorbikes are not allowed. There are multiple paths to choose once you walk deeper in. Make sure to get plenty of water as it gets hot, especially in summer. The best times to visit are morning and evening as it will be less hot and there will be less noise.
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