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Birding in Gauja National Park is interesting, because birds that are difficult to spot in Western Europe can be found here. Like rare woodpecker species.
The forests of slopes in Gauja National Park with old deciduous trees attract less common species of woodpeckers (vitryggig hackspett, tretåig hackspett, spillkråka and mellanspett). Relatively often spotted are the elsewhere rare lundsångare, mindre flugsnappare and locally common järpe. slaguggla has started nesting in the park, and the smallest owl of Latvia — sparvuggla — is also seen more often. Many kornknarr and some species of warblers, which are not common in Western Europe (flodsångare, busksångare), are found in the riverside meadows of Gauja.
There is a 3.5 km hiking trip along Amata river that is a good starts for forest birds (see the P on the map for parking). This trail in the forests near Zvārte Rock you can extend if you want by walking further north along the Amata River. Among the bird species you can see along this trail are: mindre flugsnappare, lundsångare, Bivråk, kungsfiskare, tofsmes, tretåig hackspett and järpe.
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