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Great area for migrating and overwintering waders in the middle of the Mida Creek Reserve.
Kirepwe Island is located in the middle of the Mida Creek Reserve. Mida Creek is a broadwater tidal creek, surrounded by extensive mangroves and lined with palms. It has healthy beds of seagrass and corals and is home to many species of fish and turtles. With its tangle of mangroves small streams and inlets, it also provides refuge to a myriad of birdlife. Many waders and countless other birds use Kirepwe Island and Mida Creek as a stopover point during migration or overwinter in the area.
Kirepwe island is located 25 km south of the city of Malindi, between Mida Creek and the town of Watamu. You can reach the area by boat. Contact Hassan Matembe of the Kirepwe Island Lodge, a very affordable affordable, basic place to stay. Hassan is an experienced muli-lingual guide and not only an excellent biredguide, but also has a wide knowledge of the surrounding nature, as he grew up here. Hassan is a good friend of me, since back to 2006. Contact (also Whatsapp): +254 798 917536, or see the link to the Facebook page below.
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