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Next to MCAS Iwakuni airport, the Iwazu River flows into Hiroshima Bay. A good place to observe Osprey and Black Kite.
The Mouth of the Imazu River in Iwakuni attracts many birds. In addition to Osprey and Black Kite, there are various seabirds that come very close here. Egrets, Cormorants and Wagtails are often seen. The road along the river mouth is separated by a quay wall. On the other side are several artificial lakes next to the US Marine Corps base. Taking photos is no problem here. The birds of prey fly low along the quay wall several times a day and you practically just have to wait for them. In summer it is extremely hot and humid in the south of Japan, which is why the winter months are better.
The Mouth of the Imazu River is located adjacent to the airport of Iwakuni. From the train station it is best to take a taxi, which only takes a few minutes. From the civil terminal of Iwakuni Airport it is about a 15-minute walk. ANA flies to Tokyo Haneda five times a day.
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