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The southern tip of the Isonzo river Nature Reserve has beautiful views from an observation tower and many birds.
The mouth of the Isonzo river Nature Reserve is the ideal habitat for many animal species and, in particular, for resident and migratory birds, due to the presence of freshwater marshes, vast salty wetlands, reed beds, woodlands and grasslands. Over 320 bird species have been recorded in the area so far. The symbol of the reserve is the storspov. Punta Sdobba is the terminal part of the Venetian Coast. There is an observatory which is a wooden tower from which to enjoy a sensational view of the Gulf of Panzano, Trieste and down to Istria. A very open area with reed beds and other wet parts that attracts many birds.
Italiano: La Riserva Naturale Foce dell'Isonzo è l'habitat ideale per molte specie animali e, in particolare, per uccelli stanziali e migratori, per la presenza di paludi d'acqua dolce, vaste zone umide salmastre, canneti, boschi e praterie. Finora nella zona sono state registrate oltre 320 specie di uccelli. Il simbolo della riserva è il storspov.
Click on the P in the map to get directions to a parking place. From there walk to the observation tower on foot.
Italiano: Clicca sulla P nella mappa per ottenere le indicazioni per un parcheggio. Da lì a piedi fino alla torre di osservazione.
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