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A regional nature reserve of 177 hectare. Over the years, around 180 species of birds, both migratory and wintering, have been recorded in the area.
The Sentina Natural Regional Reserve is a river and lake landscape of 177 hectare between the town of Porto d'Ascoli in the north and the river Tronto in the south, between the coastline in the east and the railway line in the west. The different habitats are dunes, wetlands, salty meadows and agricultural land. It is located along the "Adriatic" migration route for waterfowl, birds of prey and passeriforms. Therefore it is a wetland with a surprising number of bird species. Nice to walk with beautiful old buildings. You can see birds like: sammetshätta, biätare, dvärgrördrom, grässångare, gulhämpling, kornsparv, cettisångare, turturduva, häcksparv and sommargylling.
Best by foot. Parc you car at Via del Cacciatore (See the P on the map). Thanks to the restoration of the wetland, there are now paths,info boards and a bird hide.
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