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Gorge known as the Grand Canyon of Sicily.
Riserva Naturale Orientata Cavagrande di Cassibile is an imposing gorge between the white limestone rocks in the Iblei Mountains, in the south-east of Sicily. Also called the Grand Canyon of Sicily. You can walk into the gorge via small hiking trails in the rock walls, high above or close to the stream. Lined with lush green vegetation and tall trees, the watercourse branches beneath your feet between the clear rock walls. In addition to common species such as tofslärka, sädesärla and ängspiplärka you can also find minervauggla, Tornuggla, sommargylling and hökörn.
The main car park is Parcheggio Laghetti Di Cavagrande but access to the gorge is often closed from this side. A better option is Parcheggio Cassibile sentiero della Carrubella, where access is always open. The last kilometer to the parking lot is not paved. From the parking lot it is a few hundred meters to the entrance of the park, via a farm. About a 45 minute drive from Siracusa. Click on the P in the map for directions. The circular walk indicated on the map is about 8 km.
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