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Brackish lakes not far from the sea. A place of passage for many migratory birds.
Laghi Alimini is a place rich in variety of birds, especially during the migration period. There a two lakes: Alimini Grande in the north and the smaller Alimini Piccolo in the south. Alimini Grande was generated by the continuous erosion of the sea, and extends in length for about 2.5 km and has a depth of about 4 meters. The percentage of salinity of the lake is almost the same value as that of the sea. The basin of Alimini Grande is surrounded almost completely by a rocky strip, richly covered with thick pine forests and Mediterranean scrub. The birdlife is very rich, consisting of migratory species such as vit stork, större flamingo and Trana. Other birds you can see on the lake or in the surroundings are skäggdopping, årta styltlöpare, brun kärrhök, Pilgrimsfalk, sydnäktergal and vaktel.
Italiano: Laghi salmastri a poca distanza dal mare, luogo di passaggio di molti uccelli migratori. Luogo ricco di varietà di uccelli, soprattutto nel periodo di migrazione, possibilità anche di girare nei laghi con la canoa.
There are many parking lots in the pine forest and the possibility of making many routes on foot. it is also possible to go around the lakes by canoe.
Italiano: Presenti molti parcheggi nella pineta e possibilità di far emolti percorsi a piedi o anche in canoa.
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