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This reserve is part of the national park of Abruzzo Lazio Molise. Wooded areas alternate with waterfalls and streams with wide meadows.
La Camosciara is one of the most beautiful and wild areas of Parco Nazionale di Abruzzo Lazio Molise. You can observe many species of birds typical of the forest and mountains.
Italiano: Riserva integrale del parco nazionale di Abruzzo Lazio Molise alterna zone di bosco con cascate e torrenti a ampi prati. Possibilità di avvistare molte specie di uccelli tipici del bosco e della montagna.
From Rome: you can use the A24/A25 Rome-L'Aquila-Pescara motorway, exiting at Celano or Pescina and continuing to Bisegna (or Gioia dei Marsi), or the A1 Rome-Naples motorway, exiting at Frosinone, then continuing to Sora-Forca d'Acero thus crossing the Lazio side of the Park. You can park in the dedicated car park. Click on the P in the map to get directions. From the parking you can go up on foot or by a tourist train (on wheels) that runs at regular times. Since 1999, access to the Camosciara is forbidden to motor vehicles and allowed only on foot. The circular route shown on the map is about a 9 km walk.
Italiano: Si parcheggia nel parcheggio dedicato e poi si può salire a piedi o con trenino che passa a orari cadenzati.
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