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Western edge of the Bibione peninsula. A sandy area with dunes and some scattered bushes with views of a lagoon area with many birds.
Giardino Mediterraneo is the western end of the peninsula west of the town of Bibione. On the south side is the Adriatic Sea with a beach with coastal dunes in front. On the north side of the peninsula is the Canal dei Lovi with a lagoon area that attracts many birds.
Italiano: Lembo occidentale della penisola di Bibione, area con Dune. Spiaggia con Dune costiere antistante a un area lagunare di notevole interesse naturalistico.
It is advisable to leave the car at the Seven kiosk car park. Click on the P in the map for directions. From the car park continue on foot along the beach. After a walk on the beach of about 20 minutes you arrive in the area.
Italiano: Si consiglia di lasciare la macchina al parcheggio del chiosco Seven, si prosegue costeggiando la spiaggia dopo una passeggiata in spiaggia di circa 20 minuti.
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