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Small urban park with a high variety of vegetations that is a stop for migrant passerines during spring migration. The canal is a nice spot for waterfowl.
Fascia di Rispetto di Genova Prà. In winter and summer this park is not worth a visit since only common and urban birds are present. rödhake, koltrast, gråkråka, kaja, medelhavstrut, grönfink, sädesärla, can be found throughout the year. tornfalk is present too but less common, and a halsbandsparakit colony is now stable. During spring migration this place turns into a targeted stop for trans-Saharan passerines. You can find buskskvätta, svartvit flugsnappare, rödstjärt and grå flugsnappare perched on top of lampposts, stakes and benches while birds like törnsångare, rödstrupig sångare and moltonisångareare hidden inside bushes, or eat bugs on top of trees such as Quercus ilex or Quercus suber, together with rörsångare, kärrsångare, and other acrocephalus birds. The latter is particularly appreciated from insectivorous birds. Some years ago it was possible to see up to eight or nine different species, moving from branch to branch. On top of one tree I personally saw rörsångare, trastsångare, sävsångare, trädgårdssångare, polyglottsångare, härmsångare, törnsångare, moltonisångare, rödstrupig sångare, and other birders saw ärtsångare, grönsångare and göktyta. A noteworthy species to mention is the dvärguv , but it was seen only once, resting on a tree.
rödhuvad törnskata and törnskata stays on shrubs and are a regular presence during spring migration, together with sydnäktergal, whose beautiful song can be heared. On the grass you may find gulärla of different subspecies (flava and cinerocapilla the commonest among the others) and göktyta. If you are really lucky also svarthuvad sparv can be found in late May/early June (1 the 2012/06/29, 2 (m+f) the 2013/06/1-2). Needless to say, the sky is covered with migrant biätare, ladusvala, hussvala and tornseglare and for this reason lärkfalk can be observed. Also aftonfalk is a regular presence.
Irregular and vagrant species need to be included too:
- during pandemic a blåkråka was seen on a lamppost (2020/05/28). It was the first sighting of Coracias garrulus in the park, but in the upper hills the species is a regular migrant (6 together in May).
- rosenstare may occur during its periodical invasion in late May. They can be seen feeding on mulberries or sour cherry trees. (2018/05/29)
- a dvärgsparv was seen 2018/04/16. Emberiza pusilla is a vagrant bird in Liguria region.
The surrounding area is noteworthy too: from the canal wooden bridge you may see dvärgrördrom (regular presence) and purpurhäger. Other heron species like Kohäger, gråhäger, ägretthäger fly in formation above the canal and the city. The canal, which full name is Canale di calma di Pràm is a nice spot also in winter. smålom is a regular winter species, and svärta was a special guest during December 2017. Also, skrattmås, medelhavstrut are present.
The area near the ecological island is a real hidden gem, having hosted migrant passerines such as ortolansparv (more than five together!), sävsångare, trädpiplärka, gulärla, aftonfalk, lärkfalk, törnsångare and also a pair of Fasan during pandemic. You can make a stop here, but I doubt this place will host again such a wide variety of species. May is the perfect month to admire Bivråk migration: if you are lucky enough and the wheather condition is good, you can sit on the park bench and see flocks of raptors flying above the city. Also, Brun glada, ormörn and dvärgörn are regular migrant raptors that you can spot from March to May.
The park is accessible by car and by bus. There are two car parks, one at west and one, bigger, at east. There are also 2 near bus stops.
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