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Bocca d'Ombrone is where the Ombrone River meets the Tyrrhenian Sea in the Maremma Regional Park along the Tuscan coast.
This Bocca d'Ombrone walk provides a range of habitats in a relatively short 4 km walk and is interesting year-round though most active during migration. Good sea watch opportunities (havssula & Scopolilira and medelhavslira) and during wader migration it is possible to see a good diversity of shorebirds, and passerines such as wagtails and pipits. Among the interesting birds you can see here are Trana, Fiskgjuse, större flamingo, småspov, storspov, svartsnäppa, brushane, rödnäbbad trut and blåkråka.
Park at the Marina di Alberese within the Parco Maremma (Click on the P in the map to go there directly). From the parking lot you walk north either a trail just off the beach about 1.5 km north to the rivermouth or along a paved path through the pine woodlands accessed just before the parking area. These two paths connect once you reach the river near a bird hide that overlooks the small estuary.
There is a small fee to enter the Maremma Regional Park and the park and particuarly the beach will be crowded on summer weekends. There is a small restaurant and shop near the parking area open during the summer season (not sure of winter hours).
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