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Protected area with peat bog at an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level. Large meadows and woods allow the observation of many species present in the Alps.
Torbiera delle Viote is one of the most famous wetlands in the Province of Trento and is a flat peat bog of 13 hectares. This kind of bog nowadays is rare in the Alps. By choosing one of the countless paths that cross the area (being careful not to walk in the peat bog and, when it is in season, in the leks of the tjäder) you can see countless species. Among the other birds you can encounter are törnskata, buskskvätta, stenskvätta, gulsparv, hämpling, Mindre korsnäbb and kungsörn.
Italiano: Area protetta con torbiera in quota a 1500 metri slm. Grandi prati e boschi permettono l'osservazione di molte specie presenti nell'arco alpino. Scegliendo uno degli innumerevoli sentieri che percorrono la zona (facendo bene attenzione a non camminare nella torbiera e, quando è stagione, nei lek del tjäder) si possono osservare innumerevoli specie.
It can be easily reached by car from Trento, the area offers two large parking lots and various alternatives for refreshments, in addition to the beautiful Botanical Garden. The circular walk indicated on the map is about 4,5 km long, but it is easy to make it shorter.
Italiano: Si arriva comodamente in macchina da Trento, la zona offre due grandi parcheggi e varie alternative per il ristoro, oltre al bellissimo Giardino Botanico.
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