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Must see place when you go birding around Eilat. This beach at the head of the Red Sea, offers an enormous range of bird species.
Eilat is a major junction on the bird's migration flyway and one of the most important stop over sites for migratory birds in the world. Eilat north beach, at the head of the Red Sea, offers the opportunity for observing a range of species rarely encountered elsewhere in the West Palearctic region, such as brun sula and vitögd mås. Various other seabirds such as långnäbbad mås, kustlabb, bredstjärtad labb, Gulnäbbad lira, grålira, vitkindad tärna, sandtärna and skäggtärna are regular but with strong southerly winds there is the possibility of rarer birds such as Streaked Shearwater, Red-billed Tropicbird or even Lesser Frigatebird being seen from shore. It is an excellent place to see rare tubenoses and terns, which penetrate north along the Red Sea from the Indian Ocean and beyond.
At the southern end of the beach where the Sewage Canal empties into the sea revhäger and a variety of waders including ökenpipare are regular. The canal is good for Smyrnakungsfiskare and grön dvärgbiätare.
North Beach is easy accessible from Eilat. During their visit to Eilat and Arava many birders stay in the hotels that are situated close to North Beach. Because of this many birders begin their birding trip at North Beach. They can walk from the hotels to North Beach easily. If you have your own transport you can also park directly at North Beach. Click on a P in the map for directions or coordinates.
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