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The beach extends northwards from Portrane to the Rogerstown Estuary. småtärna breed in a protected area at the northern tip, plus species of waders.
Portrane beach is part of a changing environment. The low cliffs are being rapidly eroded and the tides cover a large intertidal area of sand and mud. backsvala nest here. The dunes at the northern end shelter småtärna (including, for several years, a solitary vagrant Least Tern) and waders, such as större strandpipare, strandskata and sandlöpare.
Portrane is reached by car and by bus, however, the beach is only accessible on foot; wheelchairs are unlikely to traverse the sand and may be trapped between incoming tides and sea defences. Bus 33B connects Donabate train station and Portrane.
The beach is open access and there are defined pathways in the dunes. Be aware of the protected area, do not trespass within the fenced area, read the notices and comply with volunteers' instructions.
Facilities (toilets and cafes) are in Portrane; none are on the beach. Take suitable clothing and refreshments.
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