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This is a waterside walk from Strand Road to as near to the Poolbeg lighthouse as you fancy. It's possible to park partway along the route.
There is great variety on this walk. The first part of the route concentrates on the Dublin Bay sands, with waders and other waterfowl. Next there's a small nature reserve and an area of grass reserved for grazing geese. Then another section overlooking the sands, but with rough grassland and industrial buildings (parking possible here). Finally, there's the walk along the South Wall breakwater to the lighthouse, with open water and fine views north and south across Dublin Bay.
Much on-site access is by foot or cycle, however, there's a section of road and car parks that allow people to split the route into two or more sections.
Take note of the tides. An incoming tide is best for driving waders closer along the beach to the south, but the shipping channel is not affected. The strand (beach) is much used by dog-walkers, but this has little effect as disturbed birds rapidly regroup to continue feeding.
It's possible to walk on the sands, but be alert as incoming tides can quietly isolate walkers.
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