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A hilly wooded area with some scrubby areas. The area is used extensively and regularly by mountain bikers so care should be taken when using these tracks.
Bree Hill is a steep hill with mixed woodland and some scrubby areas at the top. This makes for an interesting few hours' exploration using a mixture of wide walking paths and steeper mountain biking tracks. Among the birds you can see here are större hackspett, korp, grå flugsnappare, hornuggla, sparvhök, kungsfågel, domherre, Mindre korsnäbb, and Pilgrimsfalk.
Along the hedgerows on the approach to the site, look out for gulsparv .
Following the R730 from Beechdale Garden Centre near Clonroche towards Wexford town, take the 4th turn left. After about 1.5 km look for a parking area on your right with a barrier. There is a parking area set aside on the left. Explore the area on various paths that circle, wind up and cross the hill.
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