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The mangrove forests, backwaters and estuary in Poovar are rich in birds. With a boat tour you can visit the area.
Poovar is a town in the Trivandrum (Thiruvananthapuram) district of the south Indian state of Kerela. This small town has beaches, mangrove forests and backwaters. Poovar also has an estuary which connects with the sea during high tides. Many species of birds live in the mangrove forest. Native birds such as kingfishers, owls, herons, egrets, cormorants, darters and ducks, but migratory birds are also observed here during the migration seasons.
Poovar is located in the Trivandrum district of the south Indian state of Kerela. You can only visit the backwaters by boat. Boats can be rented from any of the resorts, if you happen to stay there. Alternately you could go to the fishing village and hire a boat for a couple of hours to take you past the estuary, into the backwaters of the river. You can also book a guided boat tour. The best time for the boat ride is early morning.
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