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Bird sanctuary at the Okhla barrage over Yamuna River. Over 300 bird species, especially waterbirds, have been recorded. An awesome birdwatching place.
The Okhla Bird Sanctuary is roughly 4 square Kilometres in size and is situated at a point where river Yamuna enters in the state of utter Pradesh leaving the territory of Delhi. The most prominent feature of the sanctuary is the large lake created by damming the river, which lies between Okhla village to the west and Gautam Budh Nagar to the east. The sanctuary attracts bird species of thorny scrub, grassland and wetland.
Great place for shorebirds and water birds just on the outskirts of Delhi. Also a quiet place, that is not very well known. Among the birds you can observe are Jungle Babbler, Rufous Treepie, Red-whiskered Bulbul, Yellow-footed Green-Pigeon, White-throated Kingfisher, Grey-headed Swamphen, Whiskered Tern and Painted Stork. But many more, see the birdlist below. The best time to visit is November to March. There are also some other animals like northern palm squirrels, small Asian mongoose and Nilgai antelope.
The Okhla Bird Sanctuary is situated at the entrance of Noida in Gautam Budh Nagar district of utter Pradesh, at a point where river Yamuna enters in the state of utter Pradesh leaving the territory of Delhi. From New Delhi Railway Station it is 20 km by road. The nearest stations of Delhi Metro is Okhla Bird Sanctuary metro station on Magenta Line.
The best way to get there is by taxi although my taxi driver had never heard of it and didn't know how exactly to get there. Press P on the map for directions to the entrance point. Not a lot of parking spaces nearby and it's next to the main road so be careful when being dropped off. Entry Fee Per Person is 350 Rs for local, however tourist pay at least twice as much if not more (2024). The sanctuary is open from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM during the summer and 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM in the winter.
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