
Perasma Reservoir

Lesvos  >  Greece

A large reservoir which attracts many species of gulls, waders and migrants.

Tillagd* av Bas Engels
Senast uppdaterad 12 februari 2020


The Perasma Reservoir is a large water body in the northern part of Lesvos. It contains water all year long and attracts many species of birds, like gulls, waders, pipits and migrants. The water itself is used as resting area for large numbers of gulls, being mainly medelhavstrut. If you're lucky, rödnäbbad trut can be found here too. rostand breeds around the reservoir and many other ducks can be seen on the water, like årta and gräsand. On several places in the reservoir, water vegetation, such as water lily, is present. Often, sothöna and herons, like rallhäger and natthäger can be found near and on them. Waders are often seen feeding around the reservoir, like drillsnäppa and grönbena, but also scarcer species, like spovsnäppa and småsnäppa. In summer, large flocks of swallows, martins and swifts gather in the evening above the lake to drink. Within these large flocks of mainly tornseglare, small numbers of alpseglare and sometimes blek tornseglare can be found.

The area north of the reservoir, down the tarmac road, consists of reedbeds and small forested areas in the west and rocky scrublands in the east. In the reedbeds, common species of reedbirds can be found, like eksångare and rörsångare. Scarcer species, like trastsångare and flodsångare, can also be present in this area. A small river flows through the area towards the coast, coming from the reservoir. The trees just next to the river are often used as roosting and hunting area for herons, like natthäger, rallhäger and dvärgrördrom. The rocky scrublands on the other side of the tarmac road are used by many species of breeding birds, like medelhavsstenskvätta, rödstrupig sångare, häcksparv, klippnötväcka and svarthuvad sparv. The power lines next to the road and in the reedbed area are often used as resting area for migrants, like aftonfalk and biätare. skatgök is also known to breed in the area.

Towards the southern side of the reservoir, the landscape changes into a semi forested area with many bushes and scrubs. Here, species like balkanmes, mästersångare and turturduva can be found. mellanspett is also freqeuntly heard and seen in the smaller trees surrounding the meadows. The meadows themselves are used by medelhavstrut as foraging area and near the edges small numbers of Härfågel can be seen. The area is also used as breeding ground for nattskärra, which can be heard at night from the road. Also dvärguv are frequently heard.

Raptors pass overhead; from local species, like ormörn and örnvråk, to migrating species, like mindre skrikörn and harriers.



The area is easy accessable on foot, by bike and by car due to the tarmac roads that leads throught the area. Somewhere halfway, the tarmac switches to an unpaved road. The best way to enjoy the area is on foot. You can park your car down the tarmac road north of the reservoir (see P on the map. You can walk up the tarmac road, enjoying the rocky area on the left and the reedbeds on the right, until you reach the reservoir. You can scan the area from here with your telescope for waders and other birds. From here, you can follow the tarmac road further south until it changes to an unpaved road. The landscape changes to a more forested area. You can keep following the track until you reach a semi open, dusty area from where the road goes (a bit steep) downwards towards the Kavaki area. You can continue the road towards Kavaki or head back to your car.

Terräng och habitat

Spridda träd och buskar , Skog , Våtmark , Slätt , Dal , Sjö , Vassar , Jordbruk


Kulligt , Klippigt , Sandigt , Torrt



Tubkikare behövs?


Bästa säsong för skådning

Vår , Höst

Bästa tid för ett besök



Asfalterad väg , Grusväg , Bred stig

Hur ansträngande vandring

Genomsnittlig vandring


Till fots , Cykel , Bil , Rullstol

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