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The Mesa wetlands is a fairly large area of coastal wetlands with several tidal pools and rocky outcrops. Great for birding in Spring!
The Mesa wetlands is located on the northeastern side of the Bay of Kalloni, and consists of a large wetland area with several tidal pools and rocky outcrops. There's a road leading southwards from which you can stop and drive along to scan the area for many herons, waders, storks and waterfowl. The pools are great for större flamingo, rostand, svart stork and many waders. The marsh on the northern side of the road is great for herons and stork too.
On the northern side of the road, several rocky outcrops with scattered vegetation is present, which provides a great breeding habitat for klippnötväcka. Other species that can be seen here are chats, shrikes, medelhavsstenskvätta and sometimes blåtrast.
From the road you also have a bit of a view over the bay itself, which is good for gulls, terns and (mainly in winter) grebes, like svarthalsad dopping.
The area is 9 km from Skala Kaloni (towards Mytilini), at the junction where the road turns off to Achladeri. The Kalami River flows into the Gulf of Kalloni here. It is best to drive close to it by car without disturbing the birds. You can park on the roadside. Also a great area for cycling because it is very flat here.
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